
Friday, June 1, 2007

Snippet from Angel Among Demons

Razael lowered his sword and closed his eyes. He had killed imps before, but never like this. The other times, the imps had attacked him somehow, but this time... it would have been slaughter. Razael sheated his sword and sank down on the ground.
His body was racked with shudders when he imagined Shaitan's fury. He would have flayed me alive if he found out about it, Razael thought.
Razael took a deep In the distance Razael could hear Imp's howling, but the fire kept them away. Still, Razael was worried. He might have a fire that would keep them away, but Kate was somewhere out there, alone. With no supplies. No firestarter and no tent.
Everything within him urged him to Go and find her. Razael fought against the urge, because he knew that the possibility that he would find her was slim. The desert covered a big part of the continent, and she could be anywhere. Razael prayed to The dragons that she would be safe. Razael laughed without mirth that he was praying to the ones that had caused Kate's problem. Razael sighed. He knew that Kate wasn't really to blame, but Shaitan had refused to explain anything to him, claiming it was to dangerous. Like being out in the desert isn't dangerous, he snorted.
Suddenly, Razael heard the sound of claws against stone. Sniffing in the air, he could smell the telltale sign of Imps. Cursing himself for being a fool, Razael unsheated his sword. I really hate killing imps, but I know it is them or me.
When the first Imp emerged from the shadows, Razael roared out his challenge. The roar made the imps freeze. Razael stalked over to them.
He raised his sword to end their miserable lives, when Kate's words echoed inside his mind : No one is totally evil, not even demons.
breath, and stood up to face the imps.
" Master. We wonder... could you come with us? We have something to show you?" one of the imps said in a hesitant voice.
Razael gave them a dubios look, but he bit back the urge to laugh at them
" Sure," he said.
Feeling a stab of curiosity, he followed the imps to a large cave opening.
When they reached the cavern, the imps scattered around them, with fear on their eyes. Razael felt a stab of sadness when he saw the fear on their faces. He personally hadn't treated imps badly, but ever since the first angels had fallen almost 3 millennia ago, imps had been treated as slaves. Heck, even hellhounds were threated better than they were, Razael thought. Suddenly, a light lit up the cavern.
Razael stared in shock at the stage. In the middle of the stage sat Kate.
She is safe, he thought faint from relief. If a cavern filled with imps could be called safe, that is. His relief turned to worry when a scuffy and dirty imp stepped on to the stage. When The imp turned to the crowd and said something in an guttural language, Razael regretted that he hadn't made any effort to learn the language. He had no idea what the imp was saying.
Razael sensed that the crowd was exited about something, but he didn't know about what.
The imp on the stage got a dagger from the folds of his clothing. Razael growled, and grasped his sword. As if she had heard his growl, Kate turned her head and met his gaze. Kate slowly shook her head, as if she tried to tell him to stay put. Reluctantly, Razael loosed the grip on his sword. He would wait, and not do anything. For wait.
When the imp began to chant, and slowly risped a pattern on her forehead with a thin needlelike dagger, Razael's grip on his sword slowly hardened.
When someone hesitantly touched his arm, Razael scowled.
" What?" he growled.
" I know you are worried but this have been predicted for hundreds of years", the imp told him.
Razael stared speechless at him. Maybe Shaitan was right, he thought. Fore eons, everyone had laughed behind Shaitan's back for his foolish belief that imps was intelligent, not that they had dared to do it in His presence.
Razael forced back the urge to fight his way to the stage, grabb Kate and escape. The only thing that stopped him was the knowledge that the cavern was filled with enough imps to stop the whole army of Ignisa.
After what felt like an eternity, the imp left the stage. Razael began to elbow his way to the stage, in an effort to reach Kate.
" Wait. " his escort said
Razael gave him a puzzled look.
" That way", the imp said and pointed at the other side of the cavern.
Razael shrugged and let the imp show the way. When they came closer, Razael realised that it was a tunnel. His heart began to beat faster when he saw that Kate stood waiting in the opening. He increased the pace, until the imp had to run to keep up with Razael.
Razael gave Kate a crushing hug.
" Razael. I can't breath." Kate said in a muffled voice.
" Sorry", Razael mumbled, and loosened his grip so that she could breath.
He was so relieved that she was safe, that he didn't care if he showed his feelings.
" I have been so worried", he said quietly.
When Kate gave him a dubious look, he felt a pang of desperation. She doesn't believe me, he thought.
Razael took a deep breath. This wasn't the place to talk.
" Let's leave this place", he said .
" And go where?" Kate asked warily.
" I have a camp nearby... and maybe we could talk there", he said tentiatively. He felt a surge of relief when he saw how Kate's face lit up.
" Really?" Kate said.
Razael nodded.
" Razael... you read my mind", she beamed at him.
Together, they left the cave and returned to the camp. But they didn't walk alone, they were surrounded by imps.
To Razael's relief, the imps scattered away when they reached the camp.

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