
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

First Snippet

Caringetorix looked at the Roman soldier, that stood proudly infront of him. For whatever reason, the soldier had survived their ambush and he wanted to know how and why he had survived.
The soldier said something in the Romans language. Caringetorix sighed. He wished he had taken the opportunity to learn their language when he had it. Since he hadn't, he would have to rely on one of the ex legionaires that was in his group.
" What did he said?" Caringetorix asked one of them
" He said that he isn't afraid of us, and that we wont get away with this", the soldier answered.
Caringetorix gave him a sceptical look, but nodded. Some how, he doubted the legionaire had said that, but he didn't know for sure.
" Ask his name"
The translating soldier nodded and asked something in Latin
" He says his name is Gaius Sextus Trevila and the he is an officer", the soldier reported.
Caringetorix looked at the soldier. In his torn tunic, and bloodstained armor, he didn't look like an officer to him. Still, if he really was an officer, he might be worth money

" Let's take him back to the camp", he decided.
He wasn't surprised when his men began to protest violently.
" Silence!" Caringetorix roared.
When the silence fell, Caringetorix took a deep breath.
" If he is an officer, we might get a ransom for him", he explained to his seething men.

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